Many of our artists were inspired with songs foretelling us of the challenges of this present day. What's Going On? This Is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. All You Need Is Love. Mother Earth is in the process of transformation to a higher vibration, to the "Fifth Dimension" where there is only love, and no negativity can exist. If we, the human family, wish to continue to live on this beautiful planet, all of our negative energy must be exposed, as one exposes an infection in the body, in order for the sickness to be healed. Otherwise, Mother Earth can continue to shake us off like "fleas on a dog," cleansing away the negative energy through hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, floods, and global pandemics, until the human family learns how to live in peace, harmony and cooperation. Communicators from around the world have been inspired to use their Internet platforms to help in this spiritual awakening process. They are voices of enlightenment, listed in the recommended radio/tv guide at .We share links to their Facebook pages, Youtube channels and podcasts and encourage you to listen to their messages. We hope you are inspired to begin your own transformation,
The future is not a fixed thing, there are infinite possibilities! Many are hearing and reading prophesies of gloom and doom and believing that a horrible ending to the world we live in is inevitable. But that is not the case. Hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon was able to contact the great future seer Nostradamus, through a past life regression session with one of her clients. In this amazing experience, Dolores Cannon traveled through time and space to speak directly to the man, during his own lifetime, whose predictions have astounded people for centuries. She discovered that, despite terrifying predictions of dreadful world wars to come, there are many other future possibilities, But they all depend on the choices we make as a human family. If given the worst possible outcome, will we choose to change our ways and avert a disaster? According to Nostradamus, we certainly can. The future is in our hands.
We are powerful creators! Look around us, see what we are manifesting! Sarah Landon shares a channeled message from the Divine Council on the YouTube channel Next Level Soul. The Divine Council explains how energy moves matter and creates.. Our emotions create the energy that manifests in the physical form. We create using the vibrations of our energy. The highest vibration is joy. The lowest vibration is shame. Shame is a feeling of unworthiness. It is the opposite of self love, and can create depression and sadness. Guilt is unforgiveness of the self. We are creating our reality with our own vibration. The higher the vibration, the better the creation. When we truly understand the science of creation, we will choose to live in joy rather than fear, shame or guilt. When we become conscious of the power of our thoughts, we will choose thoughts that are positive, encouraging and bring us joy.
Hurt people hurt people, as the saying goes. Can you forgive yourself for mistakes made in ignorance? Iyanla Vanzant addresses a group of men whose behavior toward women has been hurtful, largely because of their own inner pain and unhealed wounds. Men often mask their pain in unhealthy ways, through alcohol and drug use, or even womanizing. Men sometimes use sex with several women to fill the void of emptiness and lack of real of love. Perhaps a one or both parents were absent. Perhaps they received little positive encouragement as children.
We are here on Earth to fulfill our destiny. We are not here to suffer, to be sad, to be hopeless. We are here to discover and experience the greatest joy. Near death experiencer, author Anita Moorjani explains that our lives are planned before we were born, challenges and all, for the purpose of our development. We are not being "punished" by God, we are here to master the challenges we have chosen for ourselves, in order to become stronger and more resilient, just as a long distance runner puts on leg weights while training for a marathon. The challenges we face in life are really blessings , if we understand how we will ultimately benefit from the experience of overcoming our challenges.
Your thoughts are more powerful than you realize! This video from the YouTube channel The Other Side NDE recalls the story of a nurse who had a near death experience and went through her "Life Review" in the presence of God, who pointed out to her how her smallest acts of kindness had a great impact and her meanest thoughts, though not outwordly expressed, actually impeded the positive growth and progress of her co-worker. It is not God who judges us, but we who judge ourselves, after we see our actions from the point of view of all those whom we have affected with our behavior!
We are not alone in the universe, and our Galactic brothers and sisters are waiting for us to become civilized enough to visit us openly and share knowledge that can help us clean up the mess we have made of our ecology. Trance Channel Tina Louise Spalding brings us a message from the Andromedans, a highly evolved race of beings. They tell us that there is much support throughout the galaxy by many benevolent extra terrestrials for the freeing of the people of Earth from their longtime enslavement created by fear- based belief systems. Are we on Earth finally ready to meet our galactic family?
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